Mitsubishi Hunter

Additional details:

  • The price includes VAT.
  • The price does not include seasonal addition for the summer and Jewish holidays.
  • Return of a car in a different branch involve a surcharge to the sum of 80 NIS.
  • Receiving/returning a vehicle in the Ben Gurion Branch involves a surcharge to the sum of 200NIS.

Kilometer limitation:

  • 250 kilometers per day
  • 1,400 kilometers per week
  • 3,000 ק"מ לחודש

    Exceeding the permitted kilometer quota will result in an additional surcharge, details when receiving the vehicle at the branch.

Order details:
שם פרטי (חובה)*
שם משפחה (חובה)*
דוא"ל (חובה)*
מספר טלפון (חובה)*
איסוף הרכב מסניף (חובה)*
שעת איסוף הרכב (חובה)*
החזרת הרכב מסניף (חובה)*
שעת החזרת הרכב (חובה)*
Vehicle collection and return time 08:30 – 17:00. Other than the Ben-Gurion branch where the vehicle can be picked up at any time (by prearrangement).
בימי שישי החזרות רכבים מתבצעות עד השעה 12.
Collection date/ Return date*
Total days:
Total payment: